Reward Widgets

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</pre> Pick-Ups that will automatically be taken a certain time after they have appeared.

Some pick-ups in games are created temporarily just so that players can have the experience of picking them up if they want to

This pattern is a still a stub.


Several Social Media Games, e.g. FarmVille, CityVille, Little Cave Hero, and Zombie Lane have Automated Pick-Ups for each type of reward that appears when players have successfully completed an action.

Using the pattern

Automated Pick-Ups are, rather obviously, Pick-Ups but ones that have Time Limits be they are automatically retrieved. Using them in Single-Player Games is unproblematic since their is only one eligible player to retrieve them but if they are to be used in Multiplayer Games additional design choices need to be made on who received them: the one that made them appear, the one that is closest when the Time Limit ran out, or some other rule.

This pattern is mainly used in games which wishes to increase their Clickability by making Rewards be appear as Geospatial Game Widgets


Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

Narrative Aspects



Time Limits

Repeat Combos


Diegetic Consistency


Can Instantiate


with ...

Can Modulate

Can Be Instantiated By

Pick-Ups together with Time Limits

Can Be Modulated By

Possible Closure Effects

Potentially Conflicting With


New pattern created in this wiki.



