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Revision as of 15:43, 1 February 2011

Temporary being in a part of a game world that is controlled by another player.

Several games let players have their own parts of the game world where they solely affect what happens. Although this can let them have privacy and creative control, to avoid these areas become to lonely games can support restricted Visits from other players.


FarmVille allows players to go to the farms of other players to whom they are neighbors, and while there they can help with harvesting crops.

Borderlands allows a form of visit in that players can join other players' campaigns and help them solve individual quests without it affecting their own storyline.

Using the pattern

For Visits to be possible, a game must provide some sort of area that is the domain of another players, i.e. a Private Game Space. Visits are simply a form of Movement in games to other players' areas where they have a Limited Set of Actions compared to other parts of the Game World.

Making Visits possible is usually done to provide Social Interaction in a way that limits the risks of Conflicts simply because of the Limited Set of Actions possible. One way of guaranteeing this is to make the Limited Set of Actions only consists of Altruistic Actions. By doing so, they can add Social Interaction to Massively Single-Player Online Games while maintaining Casual Gameplay.


Visits are in themselves a form of social activity, and by being so they provide Social Interaction in games.


Can Instantiate

Limited Set of Actions, Movement, Social Interaction

Can Modulate

Game Worlds, Massively Single-Player Online Games, Private Game Spaces

Can Be Instantiated By

Can Be Modulated By

Altruistic Actions

Possible Closure Effects

Potentially Conflicting With


New pattern created in this wiki.



