Configurable Gameplay Areas
Games with physical gameplay areas which can vary between game instances.
When games that are set up and played several times have different gameplay areas, they display the characteristic of having Configurable Gameplay Areas.
Pirates! makes use of radio beacons to locate game islands in a physical environment. By varying the distances of these beacons, different style of gameplay and length of gameplay sessions have been achieved for each game instance.
The game Can You See Me Now? takes place both in a real world city and on a map representing the same city. Game instances of the game have been set up in several different cities by selecting which part of them to show on the game map.
Using the pattern
Configurable Gameplay Areas can be used to modify Game Worlds orReal World Gameplay Spaces, and for games which use the real world to represent fictional ones - as for example LARPs do - these can be the same thing.
Diegetic Aspects
Interface Aspects
Narrative Aspects
When applied on Game Worlds, Configurable Gameplay Areas gives Reconfigurable Game Worlds.
Can Instantiate
Negotiable Game Instance Duration, Negotiable Game Sessions
with Self-Facilitated Games
with Game Worlds
Can Modulate
Can Be Instantiated By
Can Be Modulated By
Possible Closure Effects
Potentially Conflicting With
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