Attention Demanding Gameplay

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The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.

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Arcade Games

Pac-Man Space Invaders

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games such as League of Legends, the StarCraft series and Defense of the Ancients require people to pay close attention to their opponents actions.

Using the pattern

Can Be Instantiated By

Always Vulnerable, Combat, Enemies, Flanking Routes, Focus Loci, Guard, Maneuvering, Real-Time Games, Time Limits

Game Items together with Stealing

Scripted Information Sequences together with Traps or The Show Must Go On

Time Limits together with Traps

Various ways can modify Attention Demanding Gameplay once a design with it has been created. Disruption of Focused Attention or required Attention Swapping makes it more difficult to maintain. In contrast, letting players interact with God Fingers as [Focus Loci]] can make it easier for players to quickly move between various actions they need to perform. Finally, simply modifying the Penalties associated with the failure of having attention modifies the demand of being attentive.

Attention Demanding Gameplay can be difficult to use together with Game Pauses, Minimalized Social Weight, or Ubiquitous Gameplay.


Attention Demanding Gameplay gives rise to, or increases, Tension in games since players must keep their focus on the gameplay at all times. Failure to do so and the resulting effects can create FUBAR Enjoyment.


Can Instantiate

FUBAR Enjoyment, Tension

Can Modulate


Can Be Instantiated By

Always Vulnerable, Combat, Enemies, Flanking Routes, Focus Loci, Guard, Maneuvering, Real-Time Games, Time Limits

Game Items together with Stealing

Scripted Information Sequences together with Traps or The Show Must Go On

Time Limits together with Traps

Can Be Modulated By

Attention Swapping, Disruption of Focused Attention, God Fingers, Penalties

Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With

Game Pauses, Minimalized Social Weight, Ubiquitous Gameplay


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