Gameplay Design Pattern Template
Make a copy of this page when you want to create a new gameplay design pattern. Let the pattern name be the name of the page.
The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.
Short paragraph giving the description of the pattern while not referring to any other patterns.
Some examples, preferably from different genres and with links to wiki pages of the games.
Using the pattern
Text about what to think about when putting the pattern into a design, i.e. possible options. Have links to other patterns mentioned.
What effects a patterns has on a design.
[Gameplay Design Pattern Template], Gameplay Design Pattern Template
Gameplay Design Pattern Template, Gameplay Design Pattern Template
Instantiated By
Gameplay Design Pattern Template, Gameplay Design Pattern Template
Modulated By
Gameplay Design Pattern Template, Gameplay Design Pattern Template
Potentially Conflicting With
Gameplay Design Pattern Template, Gameplay Design Pattern Template