Actor Detachment

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Revision as of 16:10, 14 July 2014 by Staffan Björk (Talk | contribs)

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The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.

This pattern is a still a stub.


Using the pattern

Game-Based Social Statuses Player Anonymity Enforced Player Anonymity Anonymous Actions

Somewhat paradoxical, Gameplay Mastery can support Actor Detachment. This since gameplay stressed some type of skill or knowledge, and this removes focus from other aspects of the players.

Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

Games with Mediated Gameplay more easily support Actor Detachment since the identities of players are more easily hidden.

Narrative Aspects


By minimizing the effects between players not directly related to gameplay expertise, Actor Detachment increases the Social Adaptability of a game.


Can Instantiate

Social Adaptability

Can Modulate


Can Be Instantiated By

Anonymous Actions, Enforced Player Anonymity, Game-Based Social Statuses, Gameplay Mastery, Mediated Gameplay, Player Anonymity

Can Be Modulated By


Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With



New pattern created in this wiki. However, the concept was developed by Linderoth et al. in 2006[1].


  1. Linderoth, J., Jäppinen, A., and Montola, M. (2006) How to measure the social adaptability of games - An evaluation template. IPerG deliverable.