Awareness of Surroundings

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The ability of algorithmic agents to detect and react to all deigetically relevant phenomena.

This pattern is a still a stub.


The enemies controlled by computers in First Person Shooters such as the Doom series or the Counter-Strike series are programmed to be both aware of players and the items one can retrieve from the environment. While the inhabitants of the Elder Scrolls series and Fallout series and many other Computer-based Roleplaying Games have the same functionality, showing proper responses to movement, closeness, etc., in non-combat aspects of the gameplay make these games lack some Awareness of Surroundings that socially believable characters should have (see Lankoski & Björk for a more detailed exploration of this[1]).

Using the pattern

Enemies Algorithmic Agents, Pick-Ups Power-Ups

Algorithmic Agents, Non-Player Characters


Thematic Consistency

Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

Narration Aspects


That Agents have an Awareness of Surroundings provides one of the requirements for them to display both a Sense of Self and an Own Agenda. This can also help for a game to have Thematic Consistency.


Pick-Ups Power-Ups

Can Instantiate

Own Agenda, Sense of Self, Thematic Consistency

Can Modulate

Algorithmic Agents, Enemies, Non-Player Characters

Can Be Instantiated By


Can Be Modulated By


Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With



A rewrite of a pattern that was part of the original collection in the paper Gameplay Design Patterns for Believable Non-Player Characters[1].


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lankoski, P. & Björk, S. (2007) Gameplay Design Patterns for Believable Non-Player Characters. Proceedings of DiGRA 2007.

