The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.
This pattern is a still a stub.
Wikipedia describes the same concept under the entry "Statistic"[1] (which is not used in this collection because the plural form would be misleading).
Using the pattern
While Characteristics naturally is part of Characters, the pattern can also be used to characterize Abstract Player Constructs.
Typical parts of Characteristics is Attributes, Advantages, Disadvantages, Factions, and Powers. As their names imply, Character Alignments, Character Classes, and Character Levels are more applicable on Characters as is Skills.
Equipment is typically not seen as part of Characteristics but this can vary, even within one game. For example, "Signature Gear" is an Advantage in GURPS that allows players to have items (including Tools and Weapons) that are more coupled to a Character concept, and thereby have some protection against being lost compared to other Equipment.
Diegetic Aspects
The diegesis of a game typically provides the inspiration for which Characteristics are possible and relevant.
Interface Aspects
The introduction of many Characteristics can required the need for Secondary Interface Screens; for Tabletop Roleplaying Games any amount of Characteristics can require Character Sheets.
Narration Aspects
Persistent changes in Characteristics can be examples of Abstract Player Construct Development or Character Development, and these can be important parts of a game narration.
Characteristics heavily influence how Characters and Abstract Player Constructs work in games. Competence Areas often arise when different agents have different Characteristics.
Abstract Player Construct Development, Character Development,
Can Instantiate
Can Modulate
Abstract Player Constructs, Characters
Can Be Instantiated By
Attributes, Advantages, Character Alignments Character Classes, Character Levels, Disadvantages, Factions, Powers, Skills
Can Be Modulated By
Character Sheets, Secondary Interface Screens
Possible Closure Effects
Potentially Conflicting With
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