Quick Returns

From gdp3
Revision as of 22:08, 19 January 2011 by Staffan Björk (Talk | contribs)

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Navigational structures that make returning from a certain position to a part of the game world much easier than reach it.


Both lairs of the superheroes in the The Superhuman Gambit quest in Fallout 3 have secret, or hard to unlock, exits that lead to easily accessible areas. This means that players do not have to backtrack their whole was through the complexes after reaching their center.

In Assassin's Creed 2 (of the Assassin's Creed series) all viewpoint, which are located on high buildings and can be quite difficult to get to, can be jumped off so the player's character lands unharmed in a pile of hay or leaves.

Torchlight lets players get Portal scrolls that allow them to go instantly back to the town that is the starting point for the game, and return back to where they were after having resupplied.

Using the pattern

Backtracking Levels

Quick Travel


Quick Returns are a way to modulate Levels to remove Excise after Traverse goals have been achieved.


Can Instantiate

Can Modulate

Levels, Traverse

Can Be Instantiated By

Can Be Modulated By

Possible Closure Effects

Potentially Conflicting With

Backtracking Levels


New pattern for this wiki.


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