Equipment Slots

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Revision as of 09:02, 1 August 2011 by Staffan Björk (Talk | contribs)

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Slots used to indicate which game items players wish to use.

Games that let players find armor, weapons, or other types of equipment often let them find many different kinds of each to let players have the choice of selecting wish they prefer. Having Equipment Slots lets players show this choice simply by placing the selected items in slots. Depending on if they are combined with a general inventory or not, these slots can represent everything one can carry.


Equipment Slots are common in Computer-based Roleplaying Games.

Arcanum and the first games in the Fallout series make use of them, as does the Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age series.


Left 4 Dead series

Using the pattern

There are two main uses for Limited Inventory Slots and these

Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

HUD Interfaces

Secondary Interface Screens

Narrative Aspects



Can Instantiate

Functional Roles, Tradeoffs

Can Modulate

Armor, Equipment, Inventories, Tools, Weapons

Can Be Instantiated By


Can Be Modulated By

HUD Interfaces, Secondary Interface Screens

Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With



New pattern created in this wiki.



