Rabbit Hole Invitations

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Revision as of 08:32, 30 September 2011 by Staffan Björk (Talk | contribs)

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The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.

This pattern is a still a stub.


The initial invitation to play the Alternate Reality Game The Beast was three types of clues contained in trailers and posters related to the movie A.I.

Using the pattern

Can Be Instantiated By


Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

Narrative Aspects


Rabbit Hole Invitations is a way of inviting players to games with Alternate Reality Gameplay but these invitations typically require players to do some Puzzle Solving before actually being part of the gameplay. They are examples of Extra-Game Broadcasting and create Crossmedia Gameplay since they often make use of other mediums than the actual gameplay uses.


Can Instantiate

Crossmedia Gameplay, Extra-Game Broadcasting, Puzzle Solving

Can Modulate

Alternate Reality Gameplay

Can Be Instantiated By


Can Be Modulated By


Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With



New pattern created in this wiki.


Cite error: <ref> tag defined in <references> has group attribute "" which does not appear in prior text.

