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META-TECHNIQUES (Stark 2012, p. 204; Linssen et al., 2013; Wrigstad 2008 suggests the term telegraphing).
Using the pattern
Meta-Techniques are primarily of interest for games with Live Action Roleplaying. Adding Meta-Techniques is primarily a choice of which more specific technique to use.
Meta-Postures allow information to be conveyed without causing breaks in Scenes, and Substitute Actions can avoid breaking Diegetic Consistency. Prompting Techniques add extra meaning to actions to indicate to other players wishes that Scenes should end or new ones should begin. Contextualization are Meta-Techniques that insert Scenes to convey information; this can maintain Diegetic Consistency since players can change Characters, the Scenes can take place before or after the current time frame, etc., to match the needs of the narration with how it should be enacted.
Diegetic Aspects
Some Meta-Techniques break Diegetic Consistency, so this is one aspect that needs to be taken into consideration when choosing which specific technique to use when designing games to have this pattern.
Narrative Aspects
Meta-Techniques is a Narration Pattern.
Meta-Techniques provide Communication Channels in games. They are sometimes ways to convey weak Extra-Game Information in that they convey information about how players want to play.
Can Instantiate
Communication Channels, Extra-Game Information
Can Modulate
Live Action Roleplaying, Scenes
Can Be Instantiated By
Contextualization, Meta-Postures, Prompting Techniques, Substitute Actions
Can Be Modulated By
Possible Closure Effects
Potentially Conflicting With
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tag defined in <references>
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