Regenerating Resources
The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.
This pattern is a still a stub.
Giantbomb has entries for the more specialized concepts "Regenerating Ammo"[1], "Regenerating Health"[2], and "Shield Regeneration"[3]. Similarly, TV Tropes has entries for "Regenerating Health"[4], "Regenerating Mana"[5], and "Regenerating Shield"[6].
Board Games that let players place "workers" to take actions, e.g. Agricola, Dominant Species and Lords of Waterdeep, only provide players with a limited number of actions they can do every round. However, since players get these workers back at the end of the round they are a form of Regenerating Resources.
Roguelikes, i.e. games such as Angband, Rogue and the Diablo series, lets the health and mana of players' character replenish over times. Computer-based Roleplaying Games such as Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, the Fallout series and the Mass Effect series have similar ways of letting character heal over time.
Regenerating health has become more and more common in FPS Games. Spec Ops: The Line, Wolfenstein: New World Order, and the Battlefield, Call of Duty, Just Cause, and Halo series to mention a few, have varying mechanisms for this although for some of the game series this has been introduced later. The Halo series also have a similar system for regenerating force shields (and had this before it had health regeneration). Other Computer Games with similar system include World of Warcraft and later versions in the Deus Ex, Metal Gear Sold, Metroid, and Tomb Raider series. FTL: Faster Than Light has Regenerating Resources in the form of power shields that grow stronger by time after being hit. The largest units in Warhammer 40K, e.g. Imperial Titans or Ork Gargants, also have power shields that have a certain likelihood to regain their strength each turn after being overloaded.
Using the pattern
Can Be Modulated By
Potentially Conflicting With
Limited Resources, Non-Renewable Resources
Can Modulate
Ammunition, Budgeted Action Points, Energy, Health, Persistent Game Worlds, Resources
Diegetic Aspects
Interface Aspects
Narration Aspects
Can Instantiate
with Persistent Game Worlds
(special case)
with Budgeted Action Points and Persistent Game Worlds
Can Modulate
Ammunition, Budgeted Action Points, Energy, Health, Persistent Game Worlds, Resources
Limited Resources when used with Resource Caps
Can Be Modulated By
Potentially Conflicting With
Limited Resources, Non-Renewable Resources
Can Instantiate
with Persistent Game Worlds
(special case)
with Budgeted Action Points and Persistent Game Worlds
Can Modulate
Ammunition, Budgeted Action Points, Energy, Health, Persistent Game Worlds, Resources
Limited Resources when used with Resource Caps
Can Be Instantiated By
Can Be Modulated By
Possible Closure Effects
Potentially Conflicting With
Limited Resources, Non-Renewable Resources, Thematic Consistency
New pattern created in this wiki.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Regenerating Ammo" at GiantBomb.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Regenerating Health" at GiantBomb.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Shield Regeneration" at GiantBomb.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Regenerating Health" at TV Tropes.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Regenerating Mana" at TV Tropes.
- Jump up ↑ Entry for "Regenerating Shield" at TV Tropes.