Game Element Insertion
The insertion of game elements into game instances.
Some games introduce new things into the game environment as gameplay progresses. This Game Element Insertion can be used to gradually introduce challenges, let players build constructions, or provide surprised to players.
The ancient board game Go starts with an empty board which players gradually fill with their stones until placing more stone no longer lets players claim parts of the game area. While all the stones belong to specific sets of the game and are inserted into them, in Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Magic: The Gathering players have to bring their own miniatures and cards respectively that they want to use and thereby create game instance by inserting elements (besides possibly then inserting them into the actual battle. Roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons often have some initial locations with enemies and treasures placed and which can thus be said to be part of the game instances, but to these are added player characters and random encounters, and for campaigns game masters need to add new locations and monsters as well.
The game worlds found in MUDs such as Kingdoms and DragonMud are constructed by designers and trusted players. While this is done in modes outside the normal gameplay, in games such as Minecraft and the Sims series this is part of the main gameplay (although for the Sims series this is a separate gameplay mode).
Neuroshima Hex! lets players choose from one out of three hex tiles to use each turn, and most of these are units that are to be placed upon the battlefield the constitutes the game's world.
Computer games quite often make use of Game Element Insertion since the computer easily can handle these. Some are preplanned by designers, e.g. players of Quake 4 several times experience enemies materializes in front of them only to seconds later also have the same thing happen behind them. In other cases, the time and place of elements appearing are random (even if following certain rules) - an example of this can be found in the power-ups of the Mario Kart series. The power of computers to handle great amount of units does not only make it possible for players to encounter these numbers of enemies; games such as the Age of Empires series and the Starcraft series show how players can be put in control of large armies.
Using the pattern
The design of Game Element Insertion consists of considering what game elements should be allowed to be inserted and what mechanism govern when they can be inserted. A special case of the latter is when players construct the actual game instances by the game elements they insert. This is a form of Heterogeneous Game Element Ownership, where players either put together sets of game elements as strategies (as for example in Magic: The Gathering or Warhammer 40K) or encode them in Algorithmic Agents such as AI Players (e.g. Crobots).
All types of game elements can be used for Game Element Insertion but not too surprising those that are found in greater number in games are also used together with the pattern more often. This makes Pick-Ups, Power-Ups, and Units common objects of Game Element Insertion. In this they are Resources and the insertion of them may through the use of Converters or Resource Generators. Some of these can quite naturally be Enemies under other players' control, while others again can be under the control of Dedicated Game Facilitators and then Spawning is a common mechanic to introduce new elements. Less common are the introduction of Non-Player Characters or Boss Monsters but these may more important in relation to Quests and Narration Structures. The use of Levels can work as ways of packaging all game elements to be inserted at specific points during gameplay, or to modulate which game elements can appear.
The introduction of Avatars and Player Characters are less common but more important to players given their roles as Focus Loci, and while the second of these may make use of Game Element Insertion and Game Element Removal to match player present the original definition of the first requires its use. While this may only occur once in some games and rarely in those with Late Arriving Players, for games with Drop-In/Drop-Out gameplay it needs to be possible to do at all times.
Ways of controlling how players can insert game elements can be through requiring Investments through paying with some Resource - something common in real-time strategy games such as the Starcraft series. Even when players do not have an option of not introducing new game elements, in effect making them a Renewable Resources that needs to be used, this can still be an Investment with associated Risk/Reward considerations if there is a Freedom of Choice of what to insert. Free Game Element Manipulation lets players to Game Element Insertion at their leisure but with the risk of changing a gaming activity into one of free play.
Besides players, Dedicated Game Facilitators can time when Game Element Insertion should occur. When the facilitators are humans, they can also create the game elements and the rules regarding them. Alien Space Bats is a diegetic tool for motivating these insertion.
Narrative Aspects
Pre-determined Game Element Insertion, for example of Non-Player Characters, are a way of providing progress and Surprises in Narration Structures. While they may not be necessary for all Narration Structures, Never Ending Stories most likely need it to not become repetitious.
Game Element Insertion can easily provide Surprises during gameplay, and when done in conjunction with Narration Structures this can support Never Ending Stories. When allowing players to add game elements are part of gameplay, the pattern easily support Construction since players can introduce the new game elements to interact or build upon the already present ones. When players can populate whole Game Worlds through Game Element Insertion this gives rise to Player Constructed Worlds.
By pacing the introduction of game elements, Game Element Insertion can easily provide Smooth Learning Curves and Higher-Level Closures as Gameplay Progresses. For games with Dedicated Game Facilitators that can insert game elements embodying new rules, this can also give Evolving Rule Sets. When game elements inserted are not part of the original definitions of possible game elements, the insertion can be seen as a form of Extra-Game Input.
When players control Game Element Insertion this provides them with some measure of Creative Control, which becomes greater when they also create the elements and the rules surrounding them. If there are several different game elements to select from, the Game Element Insertion is a way to give players a Freedom of Choice but since there is typically also a Risk/Reward to this (either if the wrong game element was chosen or if the use of Resources to allow the insertion was wise) they are then also Investments. This also gives rise to a need for Resource Management. However, handling Game Element Insertion can also create Excise for the players.
Can Instantiate
Construction, Creative Control, Excise, Extra-Game Input, Freedom of Choice, Higher-Level Closures as Gameplay Progresses, Investments, Never Ending Stories, Player Constructed Worlds, Resource Management, Risk/Reward, Smooth Learning Curves, Surprises
with Dedicated Game Facilitators
Can Modulate
Boss Monsters, Dedicated Game Facilitators, Narration Structures, Non-Player Characters, Pick-Ups, Player Characters, Power-Ups, Resources, Units
Can Be Instantiated By
AI Players, Algorithmic Agents, Alien Space Bats, Avatars, Converters, Dedicated Game Facilitators, Drop-In/Drop-Out, Free Game Element Manipulation, Heterogeneous Game Element Ownership, Late Arriving Players, Levels, Resource Generators, Spawning
Can Be Modulated By
Possible Closure Effects
Potentially Conflicting With
New pattern created in this wiki.