Game State Indicators

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Players are given information about a certain part of the game state or other players through other means than observing a diegetic game element.

In games with complex game states if can be difficult to visualize parts of this game state, especially those concerning abstract game elements, diegetically. To present these types of information, games can either augment the presentation of game elements with extra Game State Indicators or provide dedicated areas of the interface for showing this type of information.

Example: health bar in first-person shooters or fighting games are common examples of Status Indicators that are part of the interface of the game.

Example: The Light Gem in the Thief series indicates to the players how visible they are, and thus the risk of being detected by guards.

Example: the jewel-shaped marker in The Sims is a Status Indicator that shows which character is controlled by the player.

Status Indicators are an option to Book-Keeping Tokens in games that have Dedicated Game Facilitators. Although they are not game elements they may be observed within Game Worlds when they are instantiated through dynamic Outstanding Features in the environment.

The most common information shown by Status Indicators are Score values, amount of Damage received, remaining Budgeted Action Points, time remaining of Time Limits, and the position of Focus Loci. However, Score values may be regarded as Progress Indicators in cases where one cannot lose points or when one is striving towards a fixed number. The last of these typical uses it to augment the presentation of game elements and may disturb Immersion, something the two others avoid by presenting information outside the Game World. The other two may, depending on their importance, also cause loss of Immersion as they can be attention grabbingif they provide information that is important enough.

In Races, Status Indicators are usually used together with Progress Indicators so players can know both the relative positions between players and how close they are to finishing the Race.

Like most other forms of indicators, Status Indicators provide ways for game designers to give players Direct Information about the game state. Status Indicators are more attention grabbingthan other forms of indicators since the information they usually represent can change quicker and in more ways than with other indicators, and can thereby quickly cause Tension. They can provide Game State Overviews on First-Person Views to give those views characteristics closer to those of Third-Person Views.

A special type of Status Indicators is those that show Social Status. These do not necessarily give information about the game state but can be important for maintaining Social Organizations within game sessions or based upon the games.


The HUD displays[1] used in first-person shooters like the Doom, Quake, and Half-Life series display the health and ammunition status of players. Although the Half-Life series diegetically motivates this as part of the technology of a protective suit it is not affected by any events in the game world and is thereby equal to being outside the game world. Racing games such as the Mario Kart series and the Need for Speed series also makes use of HUD-like displays to show the speed and position of the vehicles in ongoing races.


Using the pattern

Time Pressure Drop-In/Drop-Out Time Limits Dedicated Game Facilitators Exaggerated Perception of Influence Capture


When considering what information to provide with Game State Indicators, there is a difference between showing information that a player's Avatar or Units would be able to detect and those otherwise impossible to detect. The first alternative can cover problems with the interface presentation not being detailed enough while the other can be used to provide Game State Overviews.

Diegetic Aspects

Providing information about the game state or Game World in non-diegetic ways of course risks breaking Diegetic Consistency. Explaining the information diegetically can however lessen the impact of the Game State Indicators and avoid losing Narrative Engrossment if that is striven for.

Interface Aspects

Game State Indicators are interface patterns and thereby mainly related to this aspect.


Game State Indicators change Game Worlds in the sense that they allow players to perceive more of them than would otherwise be possible.


Can Instantiate

Can Modulate

Game Worlds

Can Be Instantiated By

Can Be Modulated By

Possible Closure Effects

Potentially Conflicting With

Diegetic Consistency


A renamed version of the pattern Status Indicators that was part of the original collection in the book Patterns in Game Design[2].


  1. Wikipedia entry for HUD uses in computer and console games.
  2. Björk, S. & Holopainen, J. (2004) Patterns in Game Design. Charles River Media. ISBN1-58450-354-8.