HUD Interfaces

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The one-sentence "definition" that should be in italics.

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Head-up Display (HUD) interface

Note: this pattern describes a more generic design solution that a true HUD interface. It is more aligned to the Overlay part in Fagerholt & Lorentzon's conceptual view of visual UI conventions in FPS games[1].


Doom series

Battlefield series

Fallout series and Elder Scrolls series

Civilization (video game) series

Europa Universalis series

Half-Life series

Left 4 Dead series

Using the pattern

add Screen Splatter, Giantbomb

with Handles or Health


Can Instantiate

Chat Channels, Clues,

Can Modulate

Clues, Equipment Slots, First-Person Views,

While many different types of information can be presented in HUD Interfaces, e.g. Health, Lives, and Neighbors, the creation of Crosshairs in a game instantiates a (at least minimal) HUD Interface by its very nature, and affects Aim & Shoot actions directly.

Controllers can optionally be used to change what is shown in HUD Interfaces if these are used in a game.

Diegetic Aspects

HUD Interfaces can maintain Diegetic Consistency if the game uses First Person Views and Avatars and it makes sense for players' Avatars to have these. This of course also requires that no Non-Diegetic Features are represented through the interfaces though.

Interface Aspects

HUD Interfaces is an Interface Pattern.


The use of HUD Interfaces provides a clear way of presenting Game State Indicators and Game State Overviews in games. When they don't break Diegetic Consistency they can also ensure Thematic Consistency.

As stated above, while HUD Interfaces can be diegetic in their presentation, they often introduce Non-Diegetic Features (e.g. Attributes) and thereby work against Diegetic Consistency.


Can Instantiate

Chat Channels, Clues, Game State Indicators, Game State Overviews Non-Diegetic Features, Thematic Consistency

with Handles or Health


Can Modulate

Aim & Shoot, Clues, Equipment Slots, First-Person Views, Health, Lives, Neighbors

Can Be Instantiated By


Can Be Modulated By


Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With

Diegetic Consistency


New pattern created in this wiki.


  1. Fagerholt, E. & Lorentzon, M. 2009. Beyond the HUD - User Interfaces for Increased Player Immersion in FPS Games. MSc thesis in Interaction Design. Chalmers University of Technology.

