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Given its definition, Crosshairs are used in Computer-based Games. They practically exist in all First-Person Shooters, e.g. Borderlands and the Battlefield, Far Cry, Left 4 Dead, Quake, and Unreal Tournament series. Other games that make use of Crosshairs - because they also contain shooting as part of the gameplay - include Mirror's Edge] and the Fallout, Mass Effect, and Tomb Raider series.

While most with Crosshairs have them fixed in the middle of the display, exception such as Missile Command and Operation Wolf exist.

The site GiantBomb has an extensive list of more games using various forms of Auto-Aim.

Using the pattern

Interface Aspects

Crosshairs is an. However, the actual design of Crosshairs is often changed to reflect with Weapon


Combat Aim & Shoot Variable Accuracy Weapons God Finger's

HUD Interfaces Non-Diegetic Features

Tooltips Auto-Aim


Can Instantiate

with ...

Can Modulate

Can Be Instantiated By

Can Be Modulated By

Possible Closure Effects

Potentially Conflicting With


New pattern created in this wiki.


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