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Using the pattern

As a phase in gameplay arcs, Exploitation typically occurs after Expansion. 4X games[1] are constructed by using these and having them preluded by Game World Exploration and concluded by Extermination.

For Exploitation to work there must be something to exploit. It is not so dependent on Game Worlds as the phases of Game World Exploration and Expansion, but rather on the Resource Locations located in these.

The Construction of Bases or Installations are typically required to make use of these or can in themselves provide Resources that can be exploited.

Can Be Instantiated By

Gameplay Engines,

When and how Exploitation occurs depends on what Abilities players have. Technologies and Units typically possesses these and by introducing them as New Abilities game designers can control when Exploitation can begin. How long Explotiation phases should continue depend mainly on when other phases (typically Extermination) begins but Pottering can be made available to those players that wish to prolong the phase.


Exploitation is typically a Middlegame phase. Since it deal with improving and maximizing the utility of player assets, it both can lead to Abstract Player Construct Development and Micromanagement of those assets.


Can Instantiate

Abstract Player Construct Development, Micromanagement, Middlegame

Can Modulate


Can Be Instantiated By

Bases, Construction, Gameplay Engines, Installations, Resource Locations

Can Be Modulated By

New Abilities, Pottering, Technologies, Units

Possible Closure Effects


Potentially Conflicting With

Quick Games


New pattern created in this wiki.


  1. Jump up Wikipedia entry for 4X games

