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<ref name="Bjork & Holopainen 2004">Björk, S. & Holopainen, J. (2004) Patterns in Game Design. Charles River Media. ISBN1-58450-354-8.</ref>
<ref name="Bjork & Holopainen 2004">Björk, S. & Holopainen, J. (2004) Patterns in Game Design. Charles River Media. ISBN1-58450-354-8.</ref>
<ref name="GameDefSuit">Suits, B. (2005) The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia. Broadview Press. 155111772X</ref>
<ref name="GameDefSalen&Zimmerman">Salen, K & Zimmerman, E. (2003) Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. The MIT Press. ISBN 0262240459</ref>
<ref name="GameDefCostikyan">Costikyan</ref>
<ref name="GameDefJuul">Juul, J. (2005) Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds.  The MIT Press. ISBN 0262101106</ref>

Revision as of 09:28, 26 December 2009

Players perceive that they can influence the outcome of the game, regardless of whether this is correct.

One of the appeals of games is arguable that players can influence what happens while playing, and feel that they have various possible ways in how exert that influence. However, that influence cannot be to powerful since then reaching any goal in any given game would become too easy and lose whatever potential for appeal it could otherwise have. This line of thought can both be found in the common advice on game design attributed to Sid Meier, “a good game is a series of interesting choices,” but also in how definitions of games mention goals, conflicts and uncertainty (e.g. Suit[1], Salen & Zimmerman[2], Costikyan[3], Juul[4]). Typically players' influence are limited through lack of information or skill in executing actions, through active opposition or through randomness in the outcome of actions.

That players are willing to be limited in their influence but still want to feel that they have influence point


Some games allow actions that do not actually make players come closer to achieving goals, or even changing the game state. When these actions appear meaningful, including being meaningful to the player but not within a game state perspective, the players have an Illusion of Influence within the game.


Games with well-developed stories, such as the Final Fantasy or Zelda Series, do not let players experience the stories unless they complete the goals. Since these stories are more or less linear the actual effect of players' actions on how the story finally ends is very limited (what the players' do control is if they get to experience it). Even in games where several branches in the story exists (e.g. Dragon Age: Origins or the Fallout Series) the variations have also been created before the game sessions began. This does not mean that players of these types of games do not have any influence: locally the gameplay can give players high levels of influences and on a meta level players can have concrete choices of which achievements to collect and which strategies to try.

In September 12th players are given the impression that they can free the world of terrorism by killing individual terrorist but learn through gameplay that their own actions create more terrorists. By thus providing players with an Exaggerated Perception of Influence they unknowingly engage in a futile activity designed to make them reflect on approaches to combating terrorism.

Using the pattern

Having a Perceived Chance to Succeed is a requirement for players to be able to experience an Illusion of Influence. This can be achieved through providing the Right Level of Difficulty for the players or by basing outcomes on Randomness, which gives players a potential Illusion of Influence through Luck. In Multiplayer Games, it is important to consider Player Balance, as this strongly affects players' Illusion of Influence, and in games with Team Play, this is both regarding differences between players within the same team and between players of different teams. Smooth Learning Curves can be used to give Illusion of Influence throughout the game, even if the game becomes more and more difficult or complex. If the Right Level of Complexity is not achieved, this can ruin Illusion of Influence since players then get Limited Planning Abilities, for example, when too many Producer-Consumer relationships exist for players to have an overview of how they interact.

Influence can be either to choose between what should happen or exist in the game or to be able to create objects or events in the game. Choosing between what events should occur in the game depends on players' Freedom of Choice as well as the chance of success. Influence, or the Illusion of Influence, can thereby be created through New Abilities and Improved Abilities, and removed by Ability Losses and Decreased Abilities. Affecting abilities in this fashion is most easily done with Tools. Creating objects and events provides a more tangible form of influence and can be done by Creative Control; for example, by creating Characters and allowing Planned Character Development.

Game Masters can provide a strong Illusion of Influence, as anything players may want to influence can be discussed as part of Social Interaction. Randomness can create an Illusion of Influence in two different ways: first, players may feel that they do have influence through Luck; and second, the results can be faked by Game Masters or computers. However, the first form of illusion is brittle, as players do not have any real influence over random results, and players with this form of Strategic Knowledge are unlikely to have any such Illusion of Influence.

Freedom of Choice is a strong requirement for Perception of Influence since even if the players' actions could affect the game world in significant ways the players' contribution is diminished if there was no other choice. However, it is not always necessary. Games that test players' skills in performing certain tasks, e.g. through Timing, Aim & Shoot, Maneuvering

Diegetic Aspects

Interface Aspects

Narrative Aspects


Perception of Influence can affect Emotional Immersion, as it makes players feel that their actions are important in the game and that there is Value of Effort for these.The possibility to influence encourages Stimulated Planning but this, and the perception of influence, is restricted by Limited Foresight and Limited Planning Abilities in the games.

Narrative Structures due to limitations on possible actions and what order events need to occur naturally limit players' Illusion of Influence, and this is most strongly affected by the presence of Cut Scenes. Indeed, beginning to play a game that one knows has a strong story is done with the Extra-Game Information that one has a limited impact on the possible stories that can develop.

Although players can influence the initiation of Ultra-Powerful Events, they cannot affect their development, and this is one way Illusion of Influences can be destroyed in games. Surprises, since they cannot be anticipated, are likewise events that can destroy the Illusion of Influences, as are Shared Penalties, which players have no control over avoiding.

Unwinnable Games Drop-In/Drop-Out Randomness Challenging Gameplay


Can Instantiate

Stimulated Planning, Emotional Immersion

Can Modulate

Multiplayer Games, Team Play, Freedom of Choice

Can Be Instantiated By

Player Balance, Planned Character Development, Improved Abilities, Game Masters, Perceived Chance to Succeed, Creative Control, Characters, Luck, Social Interaction, Tools, Right Level of Difficulty, New Abilities

Can Be Modulated By

Limited Foresight, Strategic Knowledge, Ultra-Powerful Events, Extra-Game Information, Smooth Learning Curves, Right Level of Complexity, Randomness

Potentially Conflicting With

Surprises, Shared Penalties, Decreased Abilities, Narrative Structures, Ability Losses, Cut Scenes, Limited Planning Ability


A renamed version of the pattern Illusion of Influence that was part of the original collection in the book Patterns in Game Design[5].


  1. Suits, B. (2005) The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia. Broadview Press. 155111772X
  2. Salen, K & Zimmerman, E. (2003) Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. The MIT Press. ISBN 0262240459
  3. Costikyan
  4. Juul, J. (2005) Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds. The MIT Press. ISBN 0262101106
  5. Björk, S. & Holopainen, J. (2004) Patterns in Game Design. Charles River Media. ISBN1-58450-354-8.