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Effects or events in the game cannot be exactly predicted.

Randomness is the process of making effects and events unpredictable in games. It does not necessarily make games totally unpredictable, as Randomness usually has a structure where players can know the chances for certain effects and events. This bounded uncertainty can provide suspense since players may know in advantage which advantageous and disadvantageous results are possible before they happen. Besides the effects of uncertainty, Randomness can create variations in games so that each game instance can be different. This in turn can make games interesting to play several times independent of how much variety comes from the players' actions in the game.


Very few card games do not randomize the cards by shuffling them before giving the players their cards. Not doing so would ruin nearly all games, and especially games that include some form of gambling. Bridge, Texas Hold'em and Blackjack all examples of popular card games where the cards are shuffled before play and Magic the Gathering and Pokémon are similar examples from Collectible Card Games. Card games with other card sets also make use of Randomness, especially games such as Race for the Galaxy and Dominion where the draw stacks need to be reshuffled several times during the games.

Roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons and GURPS use Randomness to determine the outcome of battles and skill tests. Other common uses of Randomness in these games are in the generation of player characters (Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay) and random encounters to spice up the game world (Dungeons & Dragons and Mutant) and give the players the impression that there is more to the game world than they experience.

Some computer games where dungeon exploration constitutes a major part of gameplay, e.g. such as Nethack and Diablo, create dungeons using pseudo-random system. By doing so they can be replayed several times with different challenges each time.

The Left 4 Dead Series mixes Randomness with decisions by the AI director to vary when players will encounter special types of infected or hordes of common infected. Likewise the location and types of weapons and other equipment found in randomized. Left 4 Dead 2 expands this by also randomizing which paths are open and which are blocked along the route the players need to move.

Using the pattern

Randomness in games can be used to determine what effects an event or action should have, who should be effected by an event or be allowed to choose an outcome, and when an effect should begin and for how long it should persist.

In computers and video games, Randomness is typically generated through pseudo-random sequences that are not random according to scientific definitions but seem random to casual observations. In Self-Facilitated Games, Paper-Rock-Scissors are often used for the purpose of generating Randomness (even though the game itself has national and international competitions[1]) since this requires no additional game elements.

Dedicated game elements used to create Randomness are Dice and Cards, in the latter case, often to create randomized Card Hands through Drawing Stacks or dealing out Cards. The main difference between them is that of memory and static distribution. The roll of Dice is unaffected by previous rolls, so the randomization process can be seen as having no memory and the chances for any result are exactly the same as they were the previous time. Cards, on the other hand, use outcome like a form of Non-Renewable Resources, so Cards can support Memorizing since players who have done this have better chances of predicting what cards will appear next. Tiles can also be used to create Randomness in the same fashion as card, in this case most typically for Tile-Laying (e.g. Carcassonne or Drakborgen). One option for generating these types of Drawing Stacks is to use Stack Seeding, putting specific Cards or Tiles in specific regions of the Drawing Stacks, since this can help give a Narrative Structure to the gameplay. By doing so the game Pandemic distributes the outbreak of diseases evenly throughout the game while keeping the exact moments random while the second version of the board game Drakborgen places the dragon's lair somewhere near the center of the board.

The randomness of a random outcome can be influenced in several ways. Using several Dice or Cards together to generate an outcome allows distributions to have higher likelihood for some results and less for others (i.e. have distributions closer to normal or bell curve distributions). Generating many outcomes but letting players choose one provides Freedom of Choice while at the same time making Perceivable Margins apparent since the distributions are radically shifted depending on the number of outcomes (e.g. Bloodbowl for use of this pattern). Drafting (an optional rule in Race for the Galaxy), i.e. letting one player choose one of several outcomes and then letting the next player choose from the remaining and continuing until all players have chosen, is a variation of this that can create Asymmetric Information and Uncertainty of Information among the players when the choices or outcomes are not Public Information. How already used cards are reshuffled into the Drawing Stack can also be used to change the distribution of outcomes. This is used in Pandemic, where after an epidemic card is drawn all cards in the Discard Pile are shuffled and placed on the top of the Drawing Stack, increasing the likelihood that diseases will break out in already affected cities.

The above options can be used uniformly through out game sessions or be influenced by the current game state. Letting what happens in the game influence how the randomization is done allows the construction of Positive Feedback Loops or Negative Feedback Loops. Racing games such as Mario Kart and Super Monkey Ball use the latter to create Balancing Effects by giving leading players more passive and less aggressive Pick-Ups while giving trailing players the opposite. Bloodbowl is an example of both, where the number of Dice used is part of the skills of the Characters, which do not change during the game, and their positions in relation to each other, which does.

Diegetic Aspects

Rather than being something that may be difficult to describe thematically, Randomness in the real world is easy to translate into a game setting although the outcomes and their likelihoods may not be comparable with the real world. Randomness can also be used as a way of getting around having too fine granularity in a game system when trying to model a world, instead of providing detailed deterministic rule a randomized outcome can simulate this. Examples of real-world concepts that are often modeled in games partially through Randomness include Combat, and especially Damage, and the starting skills and conditions for Characters. The use of Skills that represent many actions or actions done in hazardous situations also make use of Randomness to abstract complex situations into a manageable situation in game terms.

Interface Aspects

The way players generate Randomness in a game can be vital in determining if they feel they have direct influence on events or if they feel that Luck matters most in the game. Although this may vary significantly between players, Dice and Cards are physically handle by the players themselves are may thereby promote player agency more than other means such as computer generated results.


Depending on if Randomness concerns what events or actions players the pattern can have many different consequences. Randomizing can modify Delayed Effects of events, create Narrative Structure from several different events (potentially Never Ending Stories), but also make Experimenting more difficult. Randomness for which players actions are available can force Varied Gameplay; players of Dominion are for example limits to the actions of the cards they have drawn. When the exact outcome of events that follow players actions is uncertain they may still have a Determinable Chance to Succeed and make a Risk/Reward choice that does not depend on any skill they have, and thereby reduces pressure on their own performance. It does this while still allowing players to have an Exaggerated Perception of Influence, and feel like they have or lack Luck, as long as they feel that they have some influence on how the randomization is done, e.g. by physically shaking and rolling a die. As long as players feel this Exaggerated Perception of Influence or are emotionally affected by the outcome (e.g. through the use of Betting), Randomness can create Tension but may equally well ruin already existing Tension if it is based upon Game Mastery. When players have the choice to perform or not perform actions based upon Randomness this gives them the opportunity to take a Leap of Faith.

More generally, Randomness makes it impossible to have Perfect Information about actions and events in the game. This can be true even if players have complete access to the game state (e.g. through Game State Overview) since future events cannot be calculated. When introduced in games it thereby makes Predictable Consequences more difficult and give players Limited Foresight and Limited Planning Abilities. This is usually done for three reasons: to generate Asymmetric Resource Distribution, ensure Imperfect Information, or lessen the risk of Analysis Paralysis in the games. By doing so a game can thematically simulate events in the real world that are chaotic and unpredictable but can also may Replayability more likely to be interesting since each game instance will have variations.

Given that players may have some information about the Randomness distribution the patterns often supports a bounded case of Uncertainty of Information. This can encourage players to perform Memorizing of the distributions to gain Strategic Knowledge that can be used to make better Risk/Reward choices. In the case of Cards, players may also do Memorizing of the cards played or revealed to be able to know the distribution of the remaining cards.

Randomness can in itself create an unstable form of Player Balance. It is unstable because all players may have equal chances to receive what is randomized, but as soon as the outcome becomes apparent, players may feel disadvantaged. Similarly, the presence of Randomness typically provides a weak form of Balancing Effects, as the outcome is not affected by players' skills and affects all players impartially. These Balancing Effects become stronger the more Randomness is introduced if the outcome produces Arithmetic Progession rather than Geometric Progression. However, this tends to lessen the chance for Perceivable Margins depending on players' skills in games and makes Game Mastery less noticeable.

The use of Randomness can limit the influence of Dedicated Game Facilitators but is usual only interesting if the facilitation is done by other humans. A special case when this is more likely to be interesting is in roleplaying games (such as Dungeons & Dragons or GURPS), since the Game Masters there wield life and death powers over the players' Characters and is in some sense a player also.


Can Instantiate

Limited Foresight, Strategic Knowledge, Player Balance, Memorizing, Balancing Effects, Risk/Reward, Imperfect Information, Tension, Luck, Limited Planning Ability, Replayability, Exaggerated Perception of Influence

Can Modulate

Never Ending Stories, Quick Games, Characters, Determinable Chance to Succeed, Narrative Structures, Asymmetric Resource Distribution, Betting, Skills, Delayed Effects, Predictable Consequences, Uncertainty of Information, Dedicated Game Facilitators, Game Masters

Can Be Instantiated By

Damage, Combat, Cards, Drawing Stacks, Dice, Paper-Rock-Scissors, Tile-Laying

Can Be Modulated By

Non-Renewable Resources, Arithmetic Growth, Geometric Growth

Potentially Conflicting With

Perceivable Margins, Perfect Information, Game Masters, Game Mastery, Analysis Paralysis, Exaggerated Perception of Influence


A rewrite of a pattern that was part of the original collection in the book Patterns in Game Design[2].


  1. Wikipedia entry for Paper-Rock-Scissors.
  2. Björk, S. & Holopainen, J. (2004) Patterns in Game Design. Charles River Media. ISBN1-58450-354-8.