
From gdp3
Revision as of 22:51, 10 January 2011 by Staffan Björk (Talk | contribs) (Sub-categories of Patterns)

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This is one of the main categories on the wiki, which lists all gameplay design patterns. If the collection doesn't seem to be extensive, it's because we haven't put in all our old patterns. In addition, at any point many of the patterns are likely to be stubs. We address both these issues piecewise as we create the patterns. See the Pattern Suggestion List for all the old patterns and suggestions for ones that should be created. (For those wondering: the order patterns are updated/written depend mostly on personal interests and outside input - so it is very possible to influence which patterns are updated next).

For those looking for a working definition of a gameplay design pattern, here is a suggestion: Something is a gameplay design pattern if it could be used deliberately by a designer to influence gameplay. For links to how to work with developing the wiki, see the main page.

Sub-categories of Patterns

Several different types of pattern categories have been identified. The original pattern collection book grouped patterns in chapters based on similarities of topic, e.g. Rule Patterns, Action Patterns, Information Patterns, Goal Patterns, Difficulty-Related Patterns, and Player Patterns. Other examples include Meta Patterns which describe how gameplay can be created on top of games, Negative Patterns which typically are seen as unwanted in games, and Speculative Patterns which have been identified through triangulation or inversion rather than from specific game examples. Subjective Patterns are those that rely heavily on players' subjective impressions.

Some patterns are closely related to other design disciplines, including Diegetic Patterns, Interface Patterns, and Narration Patterns. Others are closely related to technologies, e.g. Agent Patterns and Dialogue Patterns.

Patterns can be mapped onto the MDA Framework, meaning that a pattern can either be Mechanic, Dynamic, or Aesthetic. Game Element Patterns can be considered a subcategory of Mechanic Patterns, as can Level Design Patterns and Achievement Patterns.

See Patterns created on the Wiki for the new patterns.

See Marked for possible deletion for those patterns that have been identified as problematic.

Some game research areas have been explored through patterns and the patterns identified there can be seen as yet other categories of patterns. Specifically, research has been done on Characters and Dialogues.